
  • The Who, What, When, Where, & How of the 2018 NNPHI Annual Conference & Public Health Workforce Forum

    NNPHI Annual Conference & Public Health Workforce Forum is almost here! Are you ready to network, learn new skills, share best practices, grow your network and develop innovative ideas? Every year for the past 17 years, NNPHI has brought together public health professionals from around the country to share and promote ideas. This year, there […]

  • 2017 NNPHI Annual Conference Recap

    Since 2001, the NNPHI Annual conference has brought together public health professionals from around the country to learn new skills, grow their network and develop innovative ideas by supporting and highlighting the work of the nation’s public health institutes. Last year’s theme – Navigating Uncertainty, Spanning Boundaries, Improving Health – fostered conversations around moving public […]

  • When 10,000 Public Health Professionals Speak Up

    PH WINS Reveals Much About Our Workforce & Professional Lives Now there’s a timely, one-of-its-kind data set that can generate specific insights into the national public health workforce from state health agency frontline professionals. In 2014, more than 10,000 workers from governmental public health agencies across the United States participated in the Public Health Workforce […]

  • Announcements: Kicking Off Work on the Learning Navigator, PHLN at APHA and More!

    Check out our Summer/Fall list of featured news, accomplishments and updates about strategic initiatives from the Public Health Learning Network. The Learning Navigator is Coming. Get Involved in Two Key Ways. The Public Health Learning Navigator is coming in May of 2018. Find out more about this curated experience to help learners navigate to high-quality online […]

  • The Public Health Learning Network in Action

    The U.S. Public Health Training Center Program includes 10 university-based regional public health training centers (PHTCs) and 40 local training sites, which belong to the Public Health Learning Network (PHLN). In its third year as a network, the PHLN continues to fulfill legislative requirements to assess the training needs of our nation’s health workforce, advance […]

  • Student Stars are Shining Lights on Public Health

    Among their many aims, goals, and responsibilities, the Public Health Learning Network’s (PHLN) 10 regional public health training centers are committed to establishing and strengthening field placements for students in public or nonprofit private health agencies or organizations. Each training center provides field placement stipends of $1,500 to 20 students each year. Placements offer structured opportunities […]

  • National Consortium for Public Health Workforce Development Report: A Call to Action

    Learn about the specialized and strategic skills needed to thrive in the public health field, as identified by The National Consortium for Public Health Workforce Development. Established by the de Beaumont Foundation, the Consortium convened public health leaders from more than 30 national public health membership associations, federal agencies, and public health workforce peer networks (including the National Coordinating Center for Public Health Training at NNPHI) to identify areas of alignment among their priorities.

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