Search: training

  • phPIN Webinar: Adapting In-Person Performance and QI Trainings for a Virtual Environment

    This is the archived resource for the August phPIN webinar with DeMatt Harkins from the Mississippi State Department of Health. In this webinar, the presenter discusses his process for transitioning an established in-person training to an interactive virtual experience. The discussion allowed for attendees to ask questions and share their experiences related to challenges and […]

  • Regional Public Health Training Centers

    Meet the PHLN Network The Public Health Learning Network (PHLN) is a national network of 10 federally-funded Regional Public Health Training Centers, 80 plus community-based partners, and one National Coordinating Center that provide high quality, relevant in-person and online training for public health professionals at all stages of their careers. From Boston to Arizona, from Louisiana […]

  • Strength in Numbers: My Reflections on the Recent Death Certificate Training in Puerto Rico

    At the National Network of Public Health Institutes, I support the Hurricane Response Hub and the five Hurricane Response Hub Technical Assistance Centers. I was given the opportunity to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico in October to participate in the Puerto Rico Hurricane Response Hub Technical Assistance Center’s Death Certificate Technical Training. Two months […]

  • NEPHTC Systems Thinking Training for Public Health

    This resource was created following New England Public Health Training Center efforts to make Systems Thinking training accessible and impactful for health departments and public health professionals. By providing a framework for identifying and addressing the underlying causes of complex problems, this approach minimizes responding to problem symptoms and the associated unintended consequences of quick […]

  • PHLN Trainings for Public Health Nurses

    This resource guide contains a list of trainings and resources developed by Public Health Training Centers that are relevant to those working in the Public Health Nursing profession.

  • Workforce Training Chartbook

    The Workforce Training Chartbook explores collected common metrics for the Public Health Learning Network‘s 10 Regional Public Health Training Centers.

  • The Public Health Learning Navigator: Meeting the Training Needs of the Workforce

    Public health professionals understand the vital role the government workforce plays in improving the health of communities nationwide. But the new Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS) shows that the field faces a high rate of turnover, making it even more important to retain professionals and build the skills that will be needed in […]

  • Webinar Highlights: Change Management and Social Work Training

    The PHLN is looking forward to these upcoming webinars from Regions 4 and 3. Discover more about change management in public health, and advancing research and training in public health social work. From Region 4: Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University Change Management: A Critical Strategic Skill for Public Health Workers Live on July […]

  • Training Highlights: Data, Chief Health Strategist, Environmental Needs Assessment

    This week, the PHLN is highlighting live webinars from Regions 2, 10, and 5. Mark your calendars to learn more about using public media data, enlisting a local health department as a chief health strategist, and needs assessment for environmental health. From Region 2: Region 2 Public Health Training Center (Columbia University) Public Media Data for […]

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