
NNPHI Support for Advancing Learning and Implementing Training on Health and Racial Equity

NNPHI Support for Advancing Learning and Implementing Training on Health and Racial Equity

As a nonpartisan, national public health organization and network representing 44 public health institutes employing over 8,000 subject matter experts in myriad sub disciplines, NNPHI supports efforts underway to strengthen the competencies of our nation’s public health workforce to eliminate structural racism and its impact on population health. It is important for the health of our full nation we do this by supporting public health experts in both public and private sectors.

Further, NNPHI joins APHA and the growing list of states that declare racism as a public health crisis; we are taking action by developing policy and program interventions that strive to eliminate racism, promote healing, and achieve health equity as a means to protect and improve the health of all peoples. We have established two national communities of practice focused on health and racial equity: one is focused on internal policies and best practices our members can implement to pursue increased equity within their own organizations; the second is compiling strategies to address external drivers of racial inequities in the response to and long-term recovery from COVID-19, with the goal of not simply returning to the inequity of our pre-pandemic world but instead reimagining a more equitable, more just society.


Sincerely yours in health,

Vincent Lafronza, President and Chief Executive Officer

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