
  • COVID-19

    Making available comprehensive, engaging training resources about public health practice and population health improvement.

  • Learning Opportunities: Coronavirus – COVID-19

    From Region I- New England Public Health Training Center Isolation and Quarantine Self-Paced Online Training: Isolation, quarantine, and social distancing are three different, but related, public health measures that are used to stop or minimize the spread of disease. These measures are part of a larger public health infectious disease surveillance system. This training will […]

  • Crafting Next Steps Through Interactive Learning: Becky Henry’s #PHITinSix Interview

    This is the first blog of our #PHITinSix series, where we highlight an attendee of past Public Health Improvement Trainings (PHIT). In the first #PHITinSix blog posts, we welcome you to meet Becky Henry. Becky is the Performance Improvement Coordinator at the Maricopa County Department of Public Health in Arizona. How long have you attended […]

  • Learning Opportunities: Principles of Adult Education, Law and Environmental Public Health

    From Region III- Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Training Center Principles of Adult Education Webinar- March 18: This webinar will introduce participants to principles of adult education. We will discuss key differences between andragogy (adult learning) and pedagogy (child learning) and ways to tailor workshops for adult learning. This interactive micro-webinar is designed to introduce content experts to […]

  • Learning Opportunities: Change Management

    From Region I- New England Public Health Training Center Embracing the Inevitable: Practical Change Management Live Webinar- March 19: Register now for Embracing the Inevitable: Practical Change Management, a change management webinar on Thursday, March 19 at 12:00pm ET. One thing is for certain, change is inevitable. Reorganization, funding loss or gain, leadership, emerging community […]

  • Learning Opportunities: CHW Personal Safety, Program Evaluation, Health After Dark, Ethics in Public Health Data

    From Region I- New England Public Health Training Center Practical Strategies to Increase Your Personal Safety While Doing Fieldwork On Your Time Training: It’s possible that during your time working in the field as a community health worker that you may feel unsafe, threatened, or harmed. Would you know what to do? Community health workers […]

  • Learning Opportunities: Leading Change, Food Safety, and Palliative Care

    From Region 2- Region II Public Health Training Center Taking Intelligent Risks: Leading Change that Works Live Webinar- February 4: Join the Region 2 Public Health Training Center on February 4th for their Log-in2Learn series featuring Dr. Paul W. Thurman. This session on Taking Intelligent Risks: Leading Change that Works will help learners define what […]

  • Learning Opportunities: Ending the Opioid Epidemic, Combating Substance Abuse Stigma, Rural Mental Health

    December kicks off a season of plentiful professional development. This week, the PHLN is highlighting several live learning opportunities.   From Region III – Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Training Center Ending the Opioid Epidemic: Strategies for Success Live webinar February 4: This interactive webinar series has been designed to introduce diverse strategies for success in […]

  • Learning Opportunities: Chronic Care, Using Plain Language

    2020 kicks off a new decade of professional development. This week, the PHLN is highlighting several live learning opportunities. From Region I – New England Public Health Training Center Conversations Around Chronic Care Live webinar February 5:This webinar will provide a brief overview of Motivational Interviewing (MI) for community health workers and others who work […]

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