
Learning Opportunities: Coronavirus – COVID-19

From Region I- New England Public Health Training Center

Isolation and Quarantine

Self-Paced Online Training: Isolation, quarantine, and social distancing are three different, but related, public health measures that are used to stop or minimize the spread of disease. These measures are part of a larger public health infectious disease surveillance system. This training will focus primarily on LBOH isolation and quarantine measures and will also include information about other measures to control infectious diseases (i.e., social distancing, vaccination, prophylaxis, closure of an establishment, personal and environmental hygiene, and education).

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From Region IV- Region IV Public Health Training Center

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Protecting the Public from the Current Outbreak

Recorded Webinar: The reach of the novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak continues to expand beyond where it was first detected in China. As of January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern and as of February 24, 2020 there were 14 positive cases reported in the U.S. This webinar will share information on what the COVID-19 is, how it is transmitted and the current distribution of cases. Participants will learn how to identify the symptoms of a COVID-19 infection and how to report a person under investigation. The webinar will conclude with key prevention and protection strategies as well as communication messages for the public.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Session

Recorded Webinar: On February 10, 2020, the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (MEZCOPH) hosted an Information Session with a panel of public health professionals to address questions about the emerging outbreak of novel coronavirus, officially named “COVID-19” by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Session aimed to foster a better understanding of the outbreak by sharing fact-based information about risk, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and evidence-based preventive strategies. Over 300 people joined the session either in person or online.

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