Network Engagement Directory

Kansas Health Institute

The Kansas Health Institute supports effective policymaking through nonpartisan research, education and engagement. KHI believes evidence-based information, objective analysis and civil dialogue enable policy leaders to be champions for a healthier Kansas. Established in 1995 with a multiyear grant from the Kansas Health Foundation, KHI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization based in Topeka.

The Kansas Health Foundation made its commitment to fund KHI’s educational mission to deliver in-depth, nonpartisan information, research and insights based on the conclusion that health policy decisions often were based on fragmented, anecdotal and sometimes biased information. At the time of its founding, KHI was unique in its status as a health policy-focused educational organization that was independent, non-university based, and supported primarily through philanthropy. Since then, other states such as Colorado and Ohio have established institutes with a similar model.

KHI faculty and staff are drawn from diverse disciplines including medicine, public and community health, health policy and management, law, anthropology, political science, sociology, health administration, communications, journalism, and business.

KHI continues to be supported by a core-operating grant from the Kansas Health Foundation, and also obtains funding from other regional and national foundations and state and federal agencies.

Mission Statement

KHI's mission is to improve the health of all Kansans by supporting effective policymaking, engaging at the state and community levels, and providing nonpartisan, actionable and evidence-based information. To achieve our vision and mission, KHI believes that a broad approach is needed; policymakers must understand how our health is influenced by a range of factors as they make decisions that improve the health of Kansans.

Vision and Impact

KHI's vision: Healthier Kansans through effective policy.

  • Convening/Partnering
  • Fiscal/Administration Management
  • Health Information Services
  • Health Policy Development, Implementation & Evaluation
  • Health Systems Transformation
  • Research & Evaluation
Community Served:
Contact Information:
  • Kansas Health Institute
    212 SW Eighth Avenue, Suite 300 Topeka, KS 66603-3936
  • Kari Bruffett, President and CEO
  • 785.233.5443

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Get in touch with the Kansas Health Institute.

Resources contributed by this organization:

Recommendations on the Role and Future Directions of Community Health Workers in the Public Health Workforce

The COVID-19 member Workforce Development workgroup is pleased to share a new report for the field, Recommendations on the Role and Future Directions of Community Health Workers in the Public Health Workforce. The workgroup interviewed community health workers (CHWs), their employers, and staff from associations that serve CHWs to develop a series of recommendations for […]

Annual Insurance Update 2016: Health Insurance in Kansas

The 2016 Kansas Health Institute Insurance Update describes insurance coverage in the state during 2014, the first year of full implementation of the insurance expansion provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

Kansas Medicaid: A Primer 2017

Kansas Medicaid: A Primer 2017 is an in-depth “handbook” describing basic facts, history and trends surrounding Kansas Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Infographic: Health Insurance in Kansas in 2015

This infographic describes insurance coverage in Kansas for 2015, the second full year following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

Potential Health Effects of Changes to the Kansas Corporate Farming Law

This report discusses the findings of a health impact assessment that examined how some provisions of proposed agriculture legislation might affect the health of Kansans, either positively or negatively.

Health Impact Assessment Policymaker Profile

The Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Policymaker Profile issue brief can be used as a reference point for various types of decison-makers, HIA practitioners or community groups who have interest in health impact assessments and want to identify and support emerging HIA champions.

Potential Health Effects of Legalizing Medical Marijuana in Kansas

This health impact assessment document examines how some provisions of medical marijuana legislation might affect the health of Kansans, either positively or negatively.

Optimizing Your Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Experience

This handbook explores how to anticipate and address potential challenges during the health impact assessment (HIA) process and includes examples from several HIAs across the United States and abroad. It also directs readers to existing HIA-related resources that can be used to address challenges or provide examples.

Community Health Improvement Planning: A template for a final CHIP document

Community Health Improvement Planning: A template for a final CHIP document developed by the Kansas Health Institute.

NNPHI Brief: “Community Health Assessment and Improvement Planning: The Unique Contribution of Public Health Institutes”

This brief highlights partnerships between public health institutes, health departments and hospitals on community health assessment and improvement planning.