
What’s New at the National Coordinating Center for Public Health Training (NCCPHT)

nnphi 2015-day1-0588Fall 2015 kicked off a flurry of activity at the NCCPHT. We confirmed our strategic plans, worked towards our new brand identity (slated to launch in 2016), coordinated technical assistance for regional public health training centers, revamped our network-wide communications strategy, and continued to build strategies for assessing nationwide needs for public health training.

We are also proud to have coordinated and launched in-person opportunities to introduce (or re-introduce) the RPHTC network to several communities of public health professionals. In case you missed those events, check out a few of the takeaways and resources that were shared within the network and with our audience of public health professionals.

Our session at the APHA Annual Meeting: “Re-Visioning the Nation’s Public Health Training System”

On November 2 at the APHA Annual Meeting, Jennifer McKeever and Vincent Lafronza described the Health Resources and Services Administration’s new public health training center delivery model. The session included descriptions of the resources and services available to support training and workforce development across the country. From Region V Great Lakes Public Health Training Collaborative, Christina Welter, Director, and Sophie Naji, Coordinator, discussed their development, services, and lessons learned in building workforce capacity via distance-based learning modalities.

We saved the slide deck from our APHA session just for you.

Notes from the RPHTC Network’s Coffee Hour at APHA

On November 3, public health leaders, trainers, and practitioners came together during a Coffee Hour hosted by the NCCPHT during the APHA Annual Meeting. Participants shared resources and began charting a course to ensure that the public health workforce is ready to take on increasingly complex challenges.

Dr. Christina Welter, Principal Investigator for the Region V Great Lakes Public Health Training Center, asked participants whether training and capacity building is about improving individual competencies, enhancing organizational performance, or changing systems.

The answer?

Yes, yes, and yes.

By working together with public health practitioners, we can create the broader impact necessary to effect change in an era of limited resources and the increasing politicization of health.

Are we ready to take on this challenge to advance individuals, organizations, and systems to support healthier communities?


In case you missed the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice’s (NWCPHP) Open House at the Open Forum

The NWCPHP (an NNPHI member institute and a regional public health training center) hosted the NCCPHT and representatives from five PHTCs at the first Training Center Open House in Seattle (during the Open Forum for Quality Improvement in Public Health). The event was an opportunity for training centers to come together to share expertise, resources, and ideas. Through an interactive ‘speed dating’ session we learned about Region X’s work, including communications, leadership training, learning management system development and management, and website development.

During lunch, we were treated to an amazing view of Seattle and an opportunity to meet the Center’s leaders. Finally, we walked away with several action items to enhance our collaboration as a network, including strategies to enhance the RPHTC network’s Online Exchange, a space for our collaborative community of practice.

Stay tuned for more information about future Open House opportunities. Contact Dorothy Sekowski with questions, and take a moment to check out the accomplishments of the Region X Public Health Training Center.

Engage, share, and connect with the NCCPHT

Our broad engagement plans will kick into gear in 2016. In the meantime, we invite you to sign up for news and information from the NCCPHT, delivered right to your inbox, starting in 2016.

We also welcome inquiries, suggestions, and opportunities to connect. Go to our general contact form and select the “The National Coordinating Center for Public Health Training” as your interest.

*As the NCCPHT, NNPHI coordinates a network of educators committed to meeting the training needs of the nation’s 500,000 public health professionals.


Brittany Bunn is an NNPHI program assistant supporting workforce development activities, convenings, and communications.

Jennifer McKeever, MSW, MPH

Mikhaila Richards, MS

Dorothy Sekowski, MPH, MEd

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