
Training Highlights: Water Wells, Cancer Control, Dietary Assessment Methods

The topics of this week’s highlighted trainings include water well safety, cancer epidemiology and prevention, and dietary assessments in community nutrition programs.

From: Local Public Health Institute of Massachusetts (NEPHTC)

Private Wells in Connecticut

Join the NEPHTC for a live webcast at 12 PM ET. Did you know there are an estimated 322,500 private wells in our state serving nearly one-quarter of the population? Learn from experts at the CT Department of Public Health (CT DPH) about private well regulations and “why and what” to test private well water for, as well as interpreting water quality test results, taking general corrective actions and general well maintenance.

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Cancer Control Video Series

This 17-part video series provides a primer on cancer for the public health professional. Learning objectives: Identify major risk factors for cancer; Describe trends in cancer prevalence and screening rates; and, Express the opportunities within the public health sector to reduce the burden of cancer.

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Dietary Assessment Methods in Community Based Nutrition Programs

From: Region IX Western Region Public Health Training Center

This training course includes a review of common dietary assessment methods and tools, and highlights their use in various community based nutrition programs. The 60-minute session will provide the following learning objectives: Justify the need to meet reliability and relevance criteria for food data collected; Learn about new approaches in dietary assessment methods; Understand the differences between dietary assessment methods; Recognize potential measurement issues with regards to different dietary assessment methods; and Select the most appropriate dietary assessment method for different situations.

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