Network Engagement Directory

Health Resources in Action

Mission Statement

HRiA partners with individuals, organizations, and communities to transform the practices, policies, and systems that improve health and advance equity.

Vision and Impact

Healthy people thriving in equitable and just communities.

  • Convening/Partnering
  • Fiscal/Administration Management
  • Health Communications & Social Marketing
  • Health Policy Development, Implementation & Evaluation
  • Population-Based Health Programs
  • Research & Evaluation
Community Served:
Contact Information:
  • Health Resources in Action
    2 Boylston St., 4th Floor Boston, MA 02116
  • Steven Ridini, President
  • 617.451.0049

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Resources contributed by this organization:

Our Glidepath to the Future of Public Health

The purpose of this report is to provide both tactical and strategic frameworks to assist users engaged in modernizing public health structures, systems, and practice. GLIDEPATH FPH also incorporates aspects of both adaptive and strategic processes utilized in the Georgia Health Policy Center’s Leading Through Health Systems Change Planning Tool. Adaptive and strategic processes are […]

Recommendations on the Role and Future Directions of Community Health Workers in the Public Health Workforce

The COVID-19 member Workforce Development workgroup is pleased to share a new report for the field, Recommendations on the Role and Future Directions of Community Health Workers in the Public Health Workforce. The workgroup interviewed community health workers (CHWs), their employers, and staff from associations that serve CHWs to develop a series of recommendations for […]

Classroom Physical Activity Ideas and Tips

As part of the Springboard to Active Schools initiative, NNPHI collaborated with Health Resources in Action and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop “Considerations for Classroom Physical Activity during COVID-19.” This resource provides tips for teachers on how to effectively engage students in active learning and printable sheets of easy-to-use and adaptable activity/energizer […]

Action Plan to Address the Opioid Epidemic in Massachusetts

This presentation offers an overview of NNPHI member Health Resources in Action’s multi-pronged work in the opioid misuse space, including work in prevention, treatment, law enforcement, behavioral health, and systems change.This slide deck was presented by Health Resources in Action at the 2018 NatCon Annual Conference.

Definitions of Commonly Used Terms in the Opioid Crisis

NNPHI developed this brief listing of definitions in collaboration with Health Resources in Action and Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago. While its original use was to inform several state convenings related to opioid overdose prevention, it may be a helpful resource for anyone working in this topic area. media and communication

Signature Programs

Learn more about the National Network of Public Health Institute’s signature programs.

Springboard to Active Schools Data Brief: Strengthen Physical Education in Schools

This brief highlights national data to describe the state of physical education in schools in the United States and identifies key policies and practices that school districts and schools can put in place.

Springboard to Active Schools Data Brief: Keep Recess in Schools

This analysis of national data describes the state of recess in schools in the United States. The brief also identifies key policies and practices that school districts and schools can apply and implement.

Partnering with Food Service to Reduce Sodium: A Toolkit for Public Health Practitioners

Developed by NNPHI and member institute Health Resources in Action, “Partnering with Food Service to Reduce Sodium: A Toolkit for Public Health Practitioners” provides public health practitioners with a list of strategies, tools, and resources to build new and/or enhance existing partnerships with food service providers to reduce sodium in foods prepared, served, and sold. It is meant to help public health practitioners identify and engage food service providers to reduce the sodium content of food by understanding the context of food service settings as well as the language and drivers of food service providers. Case studies and success stories provide examples of stories from the field, aiming to inspire and generate ideas for implementation. Finally, tools and resources developed for public health and food service professionals are included to impart the experience and learnings of previous sodium reduction efforts.

Embracing Equity in Community Health Improvement

This paper discusses approaches for intentionally promoting an equity agenda throughout the community health improvement (CHI) process, so that scarce resources are directed to addressing the underlying factors that have led to consistently poorer health outcomes for historically marginalized groups.