What’s the Word? The Value of a Public Health Learning Network
- By: Multiple Authors
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What is the value of having a public health learning network?
We asked representatives from public health training centers (PHTCs) in regions around the country to share what the Public Health Learning Network (PHLN) means for them.
“The value of the PHLN is that it harnesses the expertise of schools of public health, together with expert practitioners, to create some of the best trainings for the nation’s public health workforce. The PHLN is systematically raising awareness of trainings and topic areas, and is developing common measures for demonstrating impact and for strengthening the competencies of the local and national public health workforce. Those competencies develop the workforce’s capacity to deliver high-quality essential public health services.” —Karla Todd, MBA, MSM, Program Coordinator, Region I – New England Public Health Training Center
“The PHLN creates an open dialogue between public health practice and academics, enhancing the work of both.” —Melissa Bernstein, MPH, CHES, CPH, Region 2 (II) Public Health Training Center
“The Region IV PHTC and our local performance sites are acutely aware of the training needs of the public health workforce in the eight states that comprise our region, and we are working on meeting these priority needs. As a member of the PHLN, we are able to extend the reach of our own trainings and also direct public health professionals to additional trainings and resources provided by our colleagues within the network, who share our vision of providing timely, quality training.” —Kathleen R. Miner, PhD, MPH, MEd, MCHES, Principal Investigator/Project Director, Region IV Public Health Training Center, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
“The Public Health Training Centers have faced many challenges over the years to effectively address changes in the public health workforce and adapt to varying levels of resources. As a network, we will continue to lead the efforts to work together as a collaborative to fulfill our mission!” —Sophie Naji, Program Coordinator, Region V – Great Lakes Public Health Training Collaborative
“The PHLN has cultivated the synergy we need in public health training today. Through their focused work in coordinating the Regional Public Health Training Centers, the PHLN has allowed us to better partner with our fellow PHTCs to develop and provide higher-quality training opportunities in a more efficient way to the public health workforce. The Midwestern Public Health Training Center (MPHTC) looks forward to building upon the already important relationships and resources obtained through the PHLN.” —Suzanne R. Hawley, PhD, MPH, Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences at Wichita State University, Region VII – Midwestern Public Health Training Center – Local Performance Site
“The Public Health Learning Network offers public health practitioners access to high quality trainings from training Centers around the USA. With both local and online trainings available, practitioners can find trainings that meet their specific needs for advancing their practice.” —Sarah Davis, MNM, Operations Manager, Region VIII – Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center
“The unique structure of the Public Health Learning Network allows our Northwest Public Health Training Center to better coordinate workforce development on a national level, yet stay connected to our local roots and partners. By using the network, state and local health departments will have access to a broader range of emerging and innovative content. It will be easier to find high-quality, evidence-based training to meet workforce development needs.” —Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, RN, Director, Region X – Northwest Public Health Training Center