
Training Highlights: Public Health and Shale and Cultural Competency

Training Highlights 8-11-16 This installment of our PHLN Training Highlights showcases the beginning of a biweekly series on innovative approaches, starting off with a discussion of the public health solutions to shale development and a webinar on the importance of cultural competency in both public health and the health care workforce.

Collaborative Public Health Solutions to Shale Development

From Region VIII Midwestern Public Health Training Center

Starting on 1 PM MDT on August 17, 2016, Region VII will be hosting biweekly sessions where participants will hear about innovative approaches to industry, public health, government, and community groups working together to protect public health during the shale development process. This live, distance-learning course will engage participants in sharing their own community experience and will provide the opportunity to learn from their peers.

Are you a public health practitioner that has oil and gas development or exploration occurring in your community? Are you concerned about public and environmental health issues and interested in exploring collaborative solutions? Do you work for a shale oil company?  Are you interested in engaging with the communities in which you work to address health concerns? If you are currently involved, or have been involved in the past, with shale oil exploration or development and would like to explore ways to protect public health during the development process, this learning community will fit you perfectly. More »

Cultural Competency in the Public Health and Health Care Workforce

From Region IV Public Health Training Center

Watch a webinar and learn about significant disparate health factors that contribute to the need for cultural competence in the health workforce, identify barriers and challenges in developing, implementing, and sustaining a cultural competent environment, and understand principles, strategies, and best practices for the development of a culturally competent public health and health care workforce.

As the Nation continues to become increasingly diverse, public health professionals and health care providers must become culturally competent in their knowledge, development and implementation of practices informed by differing cultures, beliefs and attitudes. The social, cultural, and linguistic needs of patients, and the community at large, are critical in ensuring positive health outcomes, particularly for the Nation’s poor and underserved. More »


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