Learning Opportunities: Music Therapy, Policy Change, Psychological Resilience, Emergency Risk Communication
- By: Laura Prechter
- Date
Region I- New England Public Health Training Center
Music Therapy Impact on Population Health: RI Experience and Beyond
Two-part webinar series: April 22 & May 13: This webinar will provide an introduction to music therapy. The Hands in Harmony population wheel will be paired with infographics to provide an overview on the impact of evidence-based music therapy interventions to address health outcomes as well as how to integrate music/music therapy in population health.
Region IV- Region IV Public Health Training Center
Building Psychological Resilience for the Public Health Workforce during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Live Webinar- April 22: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a second pandemic of stress, anxiety and fear. As public health workers, your work has a unique level of stress during this time. We are best able to maintain our mental health through these difficult times if we stay aware of the effects of stress, take steps to stay mentally healthy, and maintain connections with others. This webinar will offer information on awareness, self-care and connection with others so public health workers can develop a plan for maintaining their mental health. We will discuss common issues such as coping with fear, anxiety and loss; changing work demands; navigating family relationships; and coping with an uncertain future as the pandemic continues.
Region VIII- Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center
Influencing Policy Change
Virtual Workshop- May 27: In this virtual workshop, participants will delve into the “how” of bringing about policy, systems, or environmental change – namely through identifying the decision-makers who can make the change and how to influence those decision-makers through an understanding of change management, communication strategies, and power-building tactics.
Region X- Northwest Center for Public Health Practice
Emergency Risk Communication
Online Training- If you work in public health, during a crisis or emergency, you will likely become a risk communicator, even if your job description does not include public information or media relations. Effective communication is vital to protect the community’s health. Communication with the public and the media in an emergency presents unique challenges. People are highly emotional. They want to know what happened and who is responsible. Most importantly, people want to know what they can do to protect themselves and their loved ones. Yet the unexpected and chaotic nature of emergencies often makes it difficult to answer the public and the media’s demand for information and reassurance.