
Learning Opportunities: Childhood Obesity, Tribal Behavioral Health, Messaging Strategies

We’re looking forward to these learning opportunities from Region 4, Region 6, and Region 10. The PHLN brings us 2 live webinars and a course bundle.




From Region IV – Region IV Public Health Training Center

Childhood Obesity: Simulating the Impacts of Policy Interventions

Live webinar August 12: Systems thinking, especially with simulation models, facilitates understanding of complex health policy problems. Using a simulation model to educate legislators, public health experts, and education leaders about the policies that have the greatest short- and long-term impact on childhood obesity can encourage strategic investment in low-cost, high-return policies. This webinar will feature the Georgia childhood obesity model created by and for legislators and other stakeholders to support dialogue on policy interventions designed to reduce childhood obesity (specifically, BMI for age percentiles). Participants will have the opportunity to explore the model and understand how policies and evidence-based interventions can impact obesity prevalence and costs over time.

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From Region VI – South Central Public Health Training Center

 Tribal Behavioral Health

Course Bundle:  The Tribal Behavioral Health curriculum is designed to provide general guidance and understanding to increase the knowledge of behavioral health in the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population and among tribal health departments, including issues and challenges — and organizations seeking to improve AI/AN behavioral health. The 4 courses included in this curriculum will cover several topics related to behavioral health in the AI/AN population, including historical trauma and current issues. Descriptions of some of the programs and organizations that are working to improve AI/AN behavioral health will also be presented.

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From Region X – Northwest Center for Public Health Practice

Messaging Strategies in the Era of Misinformation

Live webinar August 27: Despite overwhelming scientific evidence to support their work, public health professionals struggle to communicate effectively about hot-button issues like vaccines and climate change. In the August session of Hot Topics in Practice, communications experts working on water fluoridation discuss messaging strategies for shaping public opinion and dispelling misinformation.

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