Congratulations NNPHI 2018 Award Winners!


Congratulations to our 2018 award winners! NNPHI awards recognize and celebrate outstanding individuals and organizations who have exemplified outstanding innovative work and leadership in Public Health.

Rising Star Award

Bestowed on a promising new leader who embodies the spirit of NNPHI’s mission and vision.                  

Breanna Adams, Environmental Protection Specialist at the Erie County Department of Health is being honored for her leadership in quality improvement in the Environmental Health division, which has led to improved efficiency in the department related to time tracking, use of systems tools, performance management system implementation, as well as initiating a Health Media Relations Team.

Public Health Innovation Award  

Presented to an organization or individual who has taken a risk and developed an innovative solution or created a unique partnership resulting in new approaches, scalable ideas and new ways of working together.

Florida Department of Health at Broward County is being honored for their use of ActiveStrategy to support performance improvement, aligning metrics and goals as well as engaging community members and making transformational changes. Broward County’s work has been replicated in four additional counties in Florida and is receiving this year’s Florida Governor’s Sterling Award.

Elevating Practice Award

Awarded to an individual or organization who has produced an engaging, skills-building learning opportunity that has demonstrated measurable impact in improving public health practice.        

Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids is being honored for their training “Taking Down Tobacco Youth Advocacy Training Program” for its high-quality, learner-centric online trainings and surrounding online materials. This program is a model for authentic youth engagement and leadership.

Joe Kimbrell Award

This recognition is bestowed on an individual within the NNPHI family who has made extraordinary contributions to the network. The award honors Mr. Kimbrell’s legacy as a principal founder of the network whose passion for and commitment to supporting multi-sector innovations to improve the public’s health serves as the cornerstone for continued network accomplishments.

Aleena Kawe is being honored for her vision for a public health institute in service of stronger, healthier and more vibrant American Indian and Alaska Native communities.  Her work building Seven Directions has had a significant impact on NNPHI as well as opened new doors for public health capacity building in tribal and urban Indian communities.

Lifetime Achievement Award

This unique recognition is NNPHI’s highest honor and is bestowed upon a senior leader who has made extraordinary contributions to improving public health throughout his or her lifetime.


Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, President Emerita and Adviser to the President of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is being honored for her tremendous leadership, which continues to influence how health is improved across the US. With her leadership, individuals, communities, and systems partners at every level of government and private sectors are working together to create a Culture of Health that will impact generations to come.



Congratulations to all our Award winners! We look forward to presenting you with your award and celebrating with you at the 2018 NNPHI Annual Conference and Public Health Workforce Forum!


By: Farahat Bello, NNPHI Network Engagement Intern


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