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phPIN Webinar: Documenting Innovations for Sustainable Progress and Improvements during COVID-19

May 24, 2021
During this webinar, we will discuss the rationale, opportunities, and barriers to documenting innovations in real time for performance and quality improvement. The presentation will include tools, technologies, and other strategies that can be used for documenting PI and QI learnings with the goal of implementing and sustaining improvements beyond COVID-19. We will also discuss successes and challenges in disseminating learnings with colleagues, partners, and other key stakeholders to build support for sustainability. There will be ample time for discussion, and we encourage others to share their strategies and tools for documenting PI and QI learnings during COVID-19. Speakers in this webinar include:
Kathleen Caron, Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Focus Areas:
  • COVID-19
  • Performance & Quality Improvement
  • Workforce Training & Education

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