Quality Training Development: Access and Peer-learning

NNPHI and the CDC are working together on a program to improve the quality of training developed and available to the public health workforce.

CDC Quality Training Standards

In January 2018, education leaders from across the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finalized eight training development standards to serve as a quality benchmark for trainings developed or funded by CDC. The standards provide guidance for developing quality training that results in learning. As part of a routine review, in December 2023, CDC’s education leaders determined the standards remain an important tool rooted in the science of education to help ensure that learning occurs and that the standards are especially relevant today in helping learners navigate a rapidly changing environment. The Quality Training Standards to help public health practitioners who develop, deliver, and procure trainings ensure the trainings meet basic standards for quality. The standards also serve as a tool to help learners find quality training in existing learning systems and on training-related websites.

Quality Standards for Training Deign and Delivery

In 2018 NNPHI launched the Public Health Learning Navigator (“Learning Navigator”), a curated resource for quality, online learning experiences for the public health workforce. Built with their input at every step, the Learning Navigator helps users easily find the learning options they need most, when and where they need them. Each training featured is peer-reviewed using the Quality Standards for Training Design and Delivery – the first ever research-tested tool that assesses the quality of online learning in public health. Trainings that successfully complete the peer-review process receive an electronic Quality Seal, validating the training’s quality. Training developers can use the Quality Seal to further promote the training, thereby increasing its reach. NNPHI also provides actionable feedback from peer reviewers to support continuous quality improvement.

By establishing standards for quality online learning through a consensus-based process, promoting a recognizable Quality Seal, and disseminating peer-reviewed learning opportunities, the Learning Navigator reduces duplication (e.g., production of multiple trainings on one topic), increases efficiency, and raises the bar for quality learning in the field of public health.

Public Health quality logo

Our Work

NNPHI hosted a Project ECHO for Public Health series focused on Training with Intention. Each session unpacked aspects of CDC’s Quality Training Standards to support developers in building high-quality, accessible, and effective trainings for in-person and virtual delivery. NNPHI partnered with the Institute for Public Health Innovation and training subject matter experts to present the eight sessions around the Quality Training Standards.

After the completion of the Project ECHO series, NNPHI wanted to be able to share the lessons learned with a broader audience to promote higher quality trainings for the public health workforce. Therefore, in collaboration with CDC and IPHI, NNPHI developed the Training with Intention Learning Pathway. This learning pathway follows the curriculum of the Project ECHO series but in an asynchronous course where learners can complete each module at their own pace.

Furthermore, NNPHI partnered with Laura Runnels Consulting, LLC (LARC) to research where and how public health practitioners who develop trainings get support and resources. LARC conducted a literature review, an environmental scan, six focus groups, and key informant interviews to get an in-depth perspective on the landscape of public health training development. The report, Understanding the Peer Support Needs of Public Health Training Developers, and the Training Developer Personas are linked in the Related Resources section.

Our Impact

From the Project ECHO Series, there were 25 selected participants that were all currently developing a training for public health. After the series ended, 100% of participants agreed or somewhat agreed that their understanding of the Quality Training Standards has improved as a result of the ECHO series, that they have identified actions they will take to apply information learned from the ECHO series in their work, and that they were satisfied with the series overall. 90% agreed or somewhat agreed that the information was presented in ways they could clearly understand. In the one month follow-up evaluation survey, 100% agreed or somewhat agreed that they have improved their ability to effectively create and/or facilitate quality trainings as a result of this ECHO series and that they would recommend this series to a colleague.

Related Resources

CDC’s Quality Training Standards
Public Health Learning Navigator Quality Standards and Review Process
Training with Intention Learning Pathway
Laura Runnels Consulting, LLC‘s report, “Understanding the Peer Support Needs of Public Health Training Developers” (2023)
Laura Runnels Consulting, LLC’s “Training Developer Personas” (2023)

Contact Us

Please email us at training@nnphi.org for more information on Quality Standards for Training Design and Delivery.

This project is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award (CDC-RFA-OT18-1802: Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services Through National Partnerships to Improve and Protect the Nation’s Health) totaling $300,000 with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

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