About Health Equity Initiatives at NNPHI
Health equity remains a necessary, core value and organizing framework for all public health programming at NNPHI. Therefore, we strive to integrate principles of equity throughout all programmatic areas. In the long run, this approach will result in greater impact than creating a separate and distinct health equity organizational unit or projects.
Our Work So Far: THRIVE
Periodically, NNPHI may implement initiatives that are specifically framed as a “health equity effort.” This includes our work to support the update and dissemination of THRIVE (Tool for Health and Resilience in Vulnerable Environments), in partnership with Prevention Institute.
After our 2010 cooperative agreement award from the Office of Minority Health, NNPHI quickly mobilized three public health institutes to serve as pilot sites for the rapid implementation of the updated THRIVE tool. Building on the successful implementation in the 3 pilot sites, NNPHI and Prevention Institute recruited and trained an additional 9 public health institutes to implement THRIVE in their communities.
The tool was used successfully at sites across the United States to incorporate authentic community engagement and lift up key community needs in community health assessments, health impact assessments and additional programmatic activities that were being conducted by the public health institutes in their respective communities.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact us at innovation@nnphi.org.