The Public Health Training Center Network (PHTCN)

The Public Health Training Center Network

The Public Health Training Center Network (PHTCN) is a consortium of regional Public Health Training Centers that collectively represent the nation’s most comprehensive resource for public health workforce development. With a unique blend of local relevance and national breadth, the PHTCN plays a vital role in building and sustaining a strong workforce.

The PHTCN provides access to world-class professional development, experiential learning, and consulting and technical assistance.

  • Professional Development: The PHTCs offer a comprehensive set of resources to help public health professionals build core skills and strategic competencies required to address current and emerging public health challenges.
  • Experiential Learning: The PHTCs help students gain valuable practical experience through funded field placements at agencies in underserved communities.
  • Consulting and Technical Assistance: The PHTCs provide access to expertise and other resources that help community partners understand and plan for local workforce development needs.


The Public Health Training Center Network (PHTCN) has a long history of cross-center collaboration. Together, the PHTCs have created models to help local public health teams drive systems change; established a nationwide set of racial justice competencies; developed resources to support health departments in their workforce development planning…and so much more! Two examples of that collaborative work include:

The Public Health Learning Agenda for Systems Change

Racial Justice Competencies for Public Health Professionals


Your regional Public Health Training Center is a valuable resource for high-quality training and support developed specifically to meet your local workforce development needs. Contact them to learn more about professional development and experiential learning opportunities, as well as consulting and technical assistance services.




Go to the Network Engagement Directory to learn more about each center’s mission and goals.

National Coordinating Center for Public Health Training



Region I – New England Public Health Training Center

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont


R-II_PHTCRegion II – Region 2 Public Health Training Center

New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands


Region III – Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Training Center

Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia


Region IV – Region IV Public Health Training Center

Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee


Region V – Region V Public Health Training Center

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin


Region VI – South Central Public Health Training Center

Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas


R-VII_MPHTCRegion VII – Midwestern Public Health Training Center

Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri


R-VIII_RMPHTCRegion VIII – Rocky Mountain Public Health Training Center

Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota


R-IX_WRPHTCRegion IX – Western Region Public Health Training Center

Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands


Region X – Northwest Public Health Training Center

Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington


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