Elevate: Your Resource for Lifelong Learning

The National Coordinating Center for Public Health Training (NCCPHT) publication Elevate is your resource for lifelong learning in public health practice and population health improvement. Elevate discusses issues of concern throughout the national network, and shares information about training, approaches, and resources.

The publication will feature stories about RPHTCs and events, share success stories about trainees, list upcoming trainings, and discuss timely and relevant issues.

Your Introduction to Elevate

Elevate is published approximately twice annually. Check out our latest issue: Fall 2024

Spring 2024Fall 2023 | Spring 2023 | Fall 2022 | Spring 2022Fall 2021March 2021 | October 2020 | May 2020 | December 2019 | June 2019 | September 2018 | September 2017 | February 2017 | September 2016 | June 2016

Who is the audience for Elevate?

The Elevate audience includes professionals and leaders who advocate for, provide, or oversee advancement of the public health workforce at the national, state, local, and tribal levels. This includes directors, administrators, and health officers at state and local health departments, and staff working on training, workforce development, quality improvement, and accreditation.

What is the deadline for submitting an article?

Once an article topic has been determined, we will work with you to determine a deadline for your article. Turnaround time is short, usually within a few weeks.

What kind of content will be featured in Elevate?

  • Success stories
  • Opinion/editorial pieces
  • Insights from your work
  • Training listings
  • News updates
  • Links to helpful information (e.g. new research on public health workforce development,
    relevant external news stories, etc.)

What should I know about Elevate style and writing requirements?

Articles should be written in a journalistic or literary style, aimed at the educated general reader with knowledge of and commitment to public health workforce development. However, because readers of a general audience might also read the publication, all terminology should be clear.

Articles and listings are not advertisements for content, events, trainings, organizations, or other resources, but they can highlight events. This is a fine line and may take some assessment on a case-by-case basis.

How can I submit ideas, listings, and content?

The Public Health Learning Network (PHLN) seeks ideas, listings, and submissions from Regional Public Health Training Centers (RPHTCs) and Public Health Institutes for our periodic publication, Elevate. Elevate, your resource for lifelong learning in public health practice and population health improvement, focuses on public health workforce needs as well as hot topics and relevant strategies in public health training and education.

Want to submit your ideas and content to the Elevate editorial team? Email training@nnphi.org


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