
NNPHI’s Hub Model

The National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) Hub Model leverages local, state, and regional expertise to support governmental public health agencies. This dispersed model allows NNPHI to coordinate technical assistance (TA), provide programmatic services, support analysis and identify trends, and build sustainable relationships among public health institutes and state, local, Tribal, and island jurisdiction health departments. A hub structure maximizes success by leveraging critical assets existing within NNPHI’s network. Specifically, the NNPHI model that has evolved over the past 20 years has repeatedly produced successful program outcomes by leveraging a) local expertise and long-term relationships in the public health sector, b) a history of strong public-private collaboration between institutes and governmental public health system, c) a strong commitment to multi-sector solutions, d) an established national partnership system via NNPHI as a coordinating body to facilitate sharing of best practices with a goal to reduce duplication of effort, and e) a shared value for and willingness to test entrepreneurial experimentation as a means to impact large numbers of individuals and communities. These network features were important ingredients needed for improving coordination and information sharing between key partners and bringing new partners into the recovery effort.


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