
Learning Opportunities: Population Health Services, Power of Data

The Public Health Learning Network is offering a live training from Region 10 and a series of self-paced trainings from Region 3.

From Region X – Northwest Public Health Training Center

Transitioning to Population Health Services

Live March 26: When and how should health departments reduce their clinical services and focus more on policy and other areas of primary prevention? In the March session of Hot Topics in Practice, Marni Kuyl, MS, RN, shares how Washington County Public Health in Oregon used change management techniques to approach these complex questions.

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From Region III – Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Training Center

Harnessing the Power of Data – March to April Sessions

This nine-part series introduces participants to diverse types and sources of data as well as ways to interpret and present data for maximum effectiveness. Participants will explore data and statistics used to make decisions, and answers to questions such as, “How are these data collected?” “What do these numbers mean for my community’s health?” and “How can I best share these data with my stakeholders?”

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