Evaluation of CDC’s Prevention Status Reports (PSRs)

Assessing and enhancing the PSRs and their reporting on key public health policies and practices.

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Evaluation of CDC’s Prevention Status Reports (PSRs)

The goal of the multiphase evaluation was to assess the reach, user satisfaction, usefulness, and impact of the PSRs  – key resources for public health improvement and accountability. NNPHI worked closely with HRiA on the evaluation of CDC Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (OSTLTS) PSRs, reflecting the network’s commitment to continuous quality improvement.

The purpose of the PSRs is to highlight—for all 50 states and the District of Columbia—the status of public health policies and practices designed to prevent or reduce the prevalence and incidence of critical illnesses and expose structural fissures and opportunities in the public health system.

The evaluation produced data that will inform development of future iterations of PSRs.

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