Alzheimer’s Association Public Health Road Map

About Alzheimer’s Association Public Health Road Map

NNPHI provided public health facilitation and action planning expertise to support the development of the Health Brain Initiative Third Public Health Road Map. NNPHI worked closely with the Alzheimer’s Association and CDC to plan and facilitate a Road Map Leadership Committee in-person meeting. During the meeting, NNPHI used consensus building approaches that drew on best practices from the Technology of Participation to assist the Leadership Committee in developing an actionable five-year road map. In the second scope, renewal for NNPHI provided public health facilitation and action planning expertise to support the development the HBI Public Health Road Map through (a) a virtual project commencement meeting with Road Map Project Committee; (b) a written plan for Road Map development process; (c) approximately 5 additional project meetings with Project Committee; (d) planning of, materials for, and facilitation services for approximately two in-person meetings of Road Map Leadership Committee; and (e) a written summary of desk research and information gathering on public health landscape for Alzheimer’s as a public health issue.

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