
Learning Opportunity: Resiliency & Self-Care in Public Health

The Importance of Resiliency & Self-Care in Public Health Series

Region V Public Health Training Center

Online Course

While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is evident on the public health and healthcare systems, the frontline staff who are involved in response efforts of this prolonged crisis are among those most impacted. Public health practitioners in health departments and other healthcare settings can build resiliency through small investments to address their mental and emotional well-being. This webinar will provide tangible tools for staff to reflect on past challenges and achieve next steps in ways that are both manageable and sustainable.

This session is geared towards public health and nursing staff. Part 2 will focus on strategies geared towards public health and nurse leaders.


Public health and nursing staff, particularly those working in health departments and healthcare systems, and also public health practitioners not involved in frontline COVID-19 response

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the impact of pandemic stress
  • Explain the importance of building our resiliency muscle
  • Describe how to set strong boundaries
  • Identify an achievable next step for you

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