
Learning Opportunities: Suicide Prevention, Health Equity Through Wages

This week, the Public Health Learning Network is showcasing a live webinar with Region 5, and a featured course on the Public Health Learning Navigator by Region 2.

From Region V – Region V Public Health Training Center

Suicide Prevention Through the Use of Motivational Interviewing

Live webinar on February 19: This course will present key concepts of motivational interviewing, its theoretical foundation and its use as a suicide prevention technique.

Participants will be able to:

  • Define motivational interviewing (MI) and introduce key concepts of MI
  • Discuss ambivalence as a barrier to change
  • Distinguish uses for directive, listening, and guiding communication styles
  • Apply motivational interview to psychological problems and suicide (prevention).

Learn more »

From Region II – Region 2 Public Health Training Center

Strategies to Advance Health Equity: How Health Departments Can Promote Living Wages

Self-Paced Training Featured on the Public Health Learning Navigator: The social determinants of health, or the structures and economic systems that shape patterns of wellness and illness, can influence health issues like obesity and teen pregnancy. Upstream factors that influence health are broad, deeply entrenched in our society, and can appear daunting to change. While public health often focuses on individual-level health behaviors, this approach requires a high level of effort from the targeted individual and has little influence on widespread population health.

Health departments are increasingly moving upstream to tackle the core issues that affect the communities they serve, such as income. This module details how raising the minimum wage is a public health issue and provides a case study of one health department that used research, communication, and advocacy to influence low wages.

Learners can expect clear, easy to follow navigation, and many opportunities for reflection in this case study. Learn more »

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