CEO, Mississippi Public Health Institute
Roy Hart is the chief executive officer of the Mississippi Public Health Institute (MSPHI). He serves as liaison to MSPHI’s Board of Directors and provides leadership and management oversight for the institute’s programs and partnerships. He originally joined MSPHI in 2015, as chief program officer after retiring from 30 years of state service. Upon leaving state service, Hart was given the Administrator of the Year Award in 2015, by the Mississippi Public Health Association. During his career as a public professional Hart gained significant executive management experience in prevention and chronic disease as well as maternal and child health and special needs populations. Key management positions with significant scope of responsibility held by him include Office Director for the Mississippi State Department of Health’s (MSDH) Office of Tobacco Control significantly increasing the number of Mississippians covered by comprehensive smoke free air laws. While working with the MSDH he also directed the First Steps Infant and Toddler Early Intervention Program – The state’s implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C. During this time he assisted with passage of state legislation enabling Mississippi’s universal newborn hearing screening program and negotiated procurement of equipment and resources to train and equip all birthing hospitals in Mississippi with screening equipment. He was honored by National Easter Seals in 2002, as the recipient of the National Advocate of the Year award. Hart received his Master of Public Health from the University of Southern Mississippi with a concentration in health education and a minor concentration in health administration. He is a Certified Public Manager and a Certified Health Education Specialist.